Experimenting With AI Chatbots and Custom GPT’s

Website chatbots often fall short of user expectations, having earned a reputation for inefficiency. They’re likened to unhelpful hardware store employees, leading to frustration and self-solved issues.

Custom GPTs powered by OpenAI elevate this experience by integrating your business data with the web’s vast trove of knowledge. This ensures superior service performance.

Real Business Application
These chatbots are more than novelties. They excel in environments rich in data, in the form of CSV files, PDFs, Word documents, and spreadsheets. This capability is beneficial for both customer interactions and internal operations, aiding in accurate responses to complex queries.

Cost of a Custom GPT
Pricing depends on several factors:

  • Initial license fees.
  • API call costs, based on usage.
  • Data preparation and integration labor costs.
  • Development and website integration costs.
  • Maintenance and data refinement costs.

Contact us to tailor a budget for your specific needs.

David Metze, AI Researcher

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